What is Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR)?
Dry mixed recycling is the recycling of dry waste that is free of contaminators such as garden waste, oils, foods, liquids, etc. This includes everything from cardboard and paper to plastic and metal. DMR saves you the hassle of sorting the waste according to its type. Thus it’s a perfect alternative for general waste disposal.
Mixed dry recycling is vital for establishments that produce a large quantity of waste, such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. This post highlights the benefits of dry mixed recycling. Critical information about what should and should not go in dry mixed recycling is also mentioned here.
What Are the Benefits of DMR Recycling?
Mixed recycling is a win-win proposition. It provides the convenience of recycling while reducing waste. Have a look at its 4 main advantages.
Saves a Lot of Space
You only need one container to keep all your waste with DMR. Thus, it saves a lot of space at your office or home premises, consumed by keeping multiple bins for different types of garbage.
Impresses Prospective Clients and Customers
Being environment-friendly is one of the surest ways to improve your goodwill in the market. Your prospective clients can be impressed by your DMR initiative and increase your business.
Saves the Recycling Cost
One of the significant benefits of DMR is that it saves you the money you need to pay for sending your trash to the landfill. The landfill taxes are rising every year, so DMR will keep saving more money for you each year.
Makes the Process Efficient and Easy
You only need to take care of all DMR waste in the same container. There is no need to spend time and energy identifying different waste categories and placing them in separate bins.
Provides All the Other Benefits of Recycling
It goes without saying that DMR provides all the other benefits of recycling, such as reducing waste deposition in landfills and conserving natural resources and wildlife.
What Can go In Dry Mixed Recycling?
A lot of items can be a part of your DMR waste. Almost every waste in your home or workplace that does not contain traces of foods and liquids can go in dry mixed recycling. Some of the dry recyclables waste examples are as follows:-
- Metal Cans: Clean & empty drinks cans, food tins, aluminum foils, and other similar metal cans.
- Paper: Newspapers, magazines, office papers, and all other forms of paper, including shredded papers.
- Plastic: Packaging firms, empty drinks bottles, microwaveable meal trays, rinsed-out margarine tubs, etc.
- Cardboard: Cereal boxes, greeting cards, brown papers, etc.
What Can’t Go into Your DMR?
Some wastes can’t go for dry mixed recycling. Basically, the waste materials that are dirty and contaminated can’t be part of mixed dry recycling. Some of the examples are as follows:-
- Sanitary waste
- Wood
- Waxed paper cups
- Black bags
- Hazardous waste
- Crisp packets
- Glass and ceramics
- Liquids
- Polystyrene
- Food and canteen waste
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Want to find out more about dry-mixed recycling? Get answers to some of the frequently asked questions regarding DMR here.
Do you need to dry recyclables before you place them for DMR?
As the name suggests, it is “dry mixed recycling!” So when you put any product in a bean meant to collect DMR waste, it must be clean and dry. It is vital to prevent cross-contamination. You don’t need to clean each product thoroughly. But it’s critical to ensure that the trash is free of food and drinks contamination and dried before recycling.
Is Bubble Wrap Recyclable?
Bubble wrap can’t be categorized as dry waste because the kind of plastic it is made of is difficult to dispose of. However, you can drop bubble wraps at the plastic recycling collection points.
What is the need to recycle your dry mixed waste?
The benefits of DMR are many. Perhaps most importantly, it helps to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This not only conserves valuable resources but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions that come from decomposing organic matter.
In addition, DMR can save businesses expenses and consumer money. For example, recycled paper costs less to produce than virgin paper. And recycled glass can be used over and over again without losing any quality.
As our society increasingly becomes more environmentally conscious, the need to recycle dry mixed waste is more significant than ever.

Compactor Management Company (former Northern California Compactors, Inc.) offers installation and support services for waste recycling equipment such as waste compactors, balers, shredders & conveyor systems. Established in 1981, it offers waste management solutions across the United States.